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Ultralounge: The Return of Social Space
(with Cocktails)

January 14 – March 3, 2000
USF Contemporary Art Museum

Jim Iserman

Ultralounge: The Return of Social Space (with Cocktails) is curated by Las Vegas-based culture critic Dave Hickey. Twelve artists reclaim the exhibition space of the museum as a "social space" where people enjoy spending time together. The iconography of the reclamation is derived from post-hip-hop lounge culture with its infrastructure in raves, clubs, bands, websites and 'zines and its affection for the noir radiance of social space in Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

Participating artists include: Phil Argent, Aaron Baker, Tim Bavington, Jane Callister, Cynthia Chan, Jack Hallberg, Wayne Littlejohn, Christine Siemens, Jennifer Steinkamp, Mary Warner, Yek and special guest star Jim Isermann.

Panel Discussion: Towards a New Cosmopolitanism

January 14, 10am – 12:30pm at USF Phyllis Marshall Center, Room 270

Dave Hickey, critic and curator; Libby Lumpkin, historian and theorist; David Pagel, critic and author and Peter Schjeldahl, art critic for The New Yorker magazine.

Opening Reception
January 14, 7 – 11pm at USF CAM

Join us for music, cocktails and an Invocation by Reverend Ethan Acres.

Music Mix

Matt Mikas & Erik Donaldson mix a selection of LP's and live entertainment during the Opening Reception and Thursday nights January 27th, February 10th and 24th. The events were broadcast live from the USF CAM website at

Tim Bavington (left)
Mary Warner (right)

Jane Callister (left)
Mary Warner (right)

Cynthia Chan (left)
Mary Warner (right)

Jane Callister (left)
Jennifer Steinkamp (center right)
Yek (right)

Cynthia Chan, Sugarbush, 1998. Private Collection.

Yek (left)
Jane Callister (right)

Jane Callister (left)
Cynthia Chan (right)

Wayne Littljohn

Aaron Baker (left)
Jack Hallberg (right)

Jennifer Steinkamp (left)
Christine Siemans (middle left)
Phil Argent (right)

Jack Hallberg (left)
Christine Siemans (middle left)
Jennifer Steinkamp (right)

Project Sponsors
The Ultralounge project at USF is made possible in part through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts • The Arts Council of Hillsborough County, Board of County Commissioners • Audio Visual Innovations, Inc.ProximaContra Vision North America, Inc.Milliken CarpetThe University Lecture SeriesWeekly PlanetYbor Brewery • Friends of the USF Contemporary Art Museum.