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26th Annual Juried
USF Student Exhibition

April 1 - May 6, 2002
USF Contemporary Art Museum

School Director's Statement
On behalf of the students, faculty and staff of the USF School of Art and Art History, welcome to the 26th Anniversary of the Student Art Exhibition. We send special thanks to the outstanding staff of the Contemporary Art Museum, our supportive community donors for the awards and to Jerry Saltz, juror of the exhibition.

For more than a quarter of a century this exhibition has showcased the freshest and most dynamic student artwork produced anywhere. This year's up and coming artists, like hundreds before them, will ultimately mark this event as a passage to the future. USF students have gone on to become leaders in the visual arts throughout the world.

Congratulations to all of the exhibitors; we are proud of your achievements and share the excitement of your future!

Wallace Wilson
Director, School of Art and Art History
University of South Florida, Tampa

Director's Statement
The annual juried student exhibition is recognized as a significant opportunity for students to see their work in a professional environment. A principal aspect of the exhibition is to introduce to the public noteworthy new talents. Each year the juror–an artist, critic, or gallery/museum professional–makes a selection from the artworks submitted by undergraduate and graduate students.

Over the past 25 years that we have hosted the exhibition, we have been fortunate to have our students' artwork reviewed by many distinguished jurors who have selected the works and awarded the prizes. The list of past jurors includes: Marcia Tucker (1977), Roberta Smith (1988), the Guerilla Girls (1992), and the Art Guys (2000).

This year's juror, Jerry Saltz, is the art critic for The Village Voice in New York; a curator and writer; two-time Pulitzer Prize nominee; and a lecturer at Yale and Columbia University. We are fortunate to have his critical eye to review the creative output of our emerging artists.

I would like to thank members of the museum staff: Alexa Favata, for arranging for the juror; Don Fuller, for designing the invitation, banners and brochure; Tony Palms, for the installation; and Mandy Kalajian and Randy West for the reception. This year a special thanks goes to Devon Larsen and James Rodger for their efforts to organize the exhibition.

Each year, a group of loyal friends from the community, the School of Art and Art History and Graphicstudio, join the museum and support the students by contributing prize money. We are very appreciative of this support, as it adds to the vitality and excitement of the exhibition. Please note the names of the generous contributors listed in this brochure.

Congratulations to all the artists in the exhibition and to the award recipients.

Margaret Miller
Director, Contemporary Art Museum / Graphicstudio
Professor of Art


Shawn Antinori
7 Years at a Time


Nazanin Arandi & Julia DeArriba
The Pyramid

video installation
Jeanne Winter Award $250

Erica Ares
Mother & Child

mixed media

Jennifer Armstrong
Dinner in Bed

mixed media

Amy Ashbaugh

oil on canvas

Sunni Barbera

B&W photograph

Peter Botti
Pillow Talk

mixed media

Bratton, Tamara
My Father's Lungs

mixed media

Stephanie Brewer & Lynn Bellew

mixed media
Ferman Motors Co. Photography Award $500

Stephanie Brewer

mixed media

Jenny Burton & Eleanor Grosch

mixed media

Jenny Burton
Result of Antisocial Behavior

stuffed animals

Robmat Butler
Push Pin #3

light pine

Robmat Butler
from Aluminum Lamp Series

aluminum, rice paper

Colby, Christine
Mother's Mane

porcelain, human hair

Katie Cox

clay, fabric

Katie Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Squirrel

clay, fabric

Jaisen Crockett

Institute for Research in Art Award $200

Jaisen Crockett
Relax, You Live in America

digital print

Hecto Del Campo

mixed media
Ann McKeel Ross Award $100

Brandon Dunlap
Bun Cup #23


Brandon Dunlap
Bat Aphrodisiac

mixed media

Robert Ellis
Contemplation of the Peanut

acrylic on wood

Leslie Elsasser
Being Ashamed of Selling Your Soul While Your Head is Down

mixed media

Sarah Farrar

oil on canvas

Sara Frankel

wood, metal

Danielle Frey
War Memorial

audio, digital prints

Danielle Frey

color photograph

Rachael Gavronsky-Hoffman
Portrait of Kalup Donte Linzy as Labisha
oil, gold leaf on canvas

Jay Giroux & Daniel Rumpf
Vision Merger

B&W photograph, mirror

Jay Giroux as Esseh
Accept Blank Space

B&W photograph

Matthew Guest
Auto Erotic Shopping Mall

mixed media
Judy Patterson Award $100

Barron Hall
The Climb

video installation

Tanya Hester
Two Many
mixed media

Tanya Hester

ceramic, make-up

Ulysses Jackson
Playing God 27

acrylic on wood
CVPA Faculty Award $250

Carla Jimenez

digital photograph

Leslie Kaehn


Mandy Kalajian
Sadistically Superb

acrylic on canvas

Andrew Kaufman
Infinite Possibilities in the Face of Unexpected Probabilities

mixed media

Arielle Kilroy & Steve Sinclair

B&W photograph, steel, thread

Arielle Kilroy

mixed media

Anna Kiuber
Capital P

oil on canvas

Brad (Bradikus) Kokay
Custodian of the Oracle

acrylic, collage on canvas

Kalup Donte Linzy


John Maple

oil on wood
Frame by Frame Award $100 Framing Gift Certificate

John Maple
Her Path

oil on wood

Stephen Marcinowski
More is Less

oil on canvas

John McGrane
Glimpses of Gospel

digital prints

White Trash Bliss

mixed media Wilson Co. Award $100


mixed media

Yudit Naage
Tractatus II

mixed media
James Rosenquist Materials Award $500

Ricky Otto
Middle Class Valor

mixed media

Saheir Rasheid
Somewhere Off the Earth Somebody Wondered

acrylic on canvas

Mesha Reynolds
Following Patterns

iron-ons, cloth, tissue

Julie Sayles
Breaking News

mixed media

Kate Spenser
My Mother & Me

mixed media

Donna Stack
Dali Museum Best in Show Award $1000

John Steelman
MRI / Open View

pencil, pastel, gesso

Joy Stevens

digital photograph

Anita Stork


David Storlie
Palpable Absence


Diane Terry
T. thinks J.M.

oil on canvas
Honorable Mention

Cat Thompson

pinhole photograph

Douglas Thonen
Floating Head

oil on canvas

Connie Tunney

pen, ink

Jeffrey Vreeland

oil on canvas

Jeffrey Vreeland


Melissa Walker
Skinned Kong

acrylic on canvas

Lynne Williams
Experiments in Role Reversal

digital photograph


Kathryn Dunathan
Terror and Trajedy: Wadja's Danton

art history paper
Leavengood Art History Award $150

Damon Lazzara
DaVinci: Artist as Scientist / Scientist as Artist

art history paper