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USF Home > College of Design, Art & Performance > Institute for Research in Art

Exeunt Omnes

May 24 – July 19, 2003
USF Contemporary Art Museum

Students, faculty, staff, alumni and the arts community are invited to gather for a rare event recognizing the accomplishments of the School of Art & Art History’s retiring faculty. With Exeunt Omnes — Latin for ‘all exit’, commonly used in theatre as a stage direction — we will be highlighting the historic contributions that Alan Eaker, Diane Elmeer, Chuck Fager, Bob Gelinas, Jeffrey Kronsnoble, Mernet Larsen, Bruce Marsh and Theo Wujcik, have made to the University of South Florida and people of the Tampa Bay area.

Commemorative Exeunt Omnes/USF Art Alumni T-shirts are available through the USFCAM bookstore while supplies last. Choose the decade you graduated, or just pick the color you like best. Call 813.974.4133 to order yours now for only $25, including tax; shipping & handling extra.

Please visit our events page for information on the Exeunt Omnes ticketed event and the free opening reception at CAM.


Mr. Robert Franzblau, The Victory Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Levine
Mr. & Dr. Jary Nixon
Mr. & Mrs. John Osterweil
Dr. & Mrs. Jay Ross
Ms. Norma Roth
Ms. Carolyn Wilson
Ms. Jeanne Rozier Winter

Mr. & Mrs. Victor Leavengood

Mr. Paul Aho
Mr. Tom Barnes
Ms. Charlotte Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Clark
Mr. & Mrs. H.W. Covington
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Cox
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Fjelstul
Ms. Claire Flanigan
Ms. Beth M. Ford
Ms. Ilene Frank
Mr. John Hail
Mr. & Mrs. Les Hirsch
Ms. Lucy Karl
Ms. Janet Kent
Mr. Joel Loeper, Wild Life Clay Sculptures & Oil Paintings
Ms. Roberta B. Marks
Mr. Steven P. McClure
Ms. Clara Garcia McLean
Ms. Judith K. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Mort Richter
Mr. Bill Robinson
Ms. Laurel S. Rummel, Good, Clean Design
Mr. Ronald Wolfe & Ms. Sharon Lessard

Exeunt Omnes presented by

University of South Florida

School of Art & Art History
(813) 974-2360 •

Contemporary Art Museum
(813) 974-4133 •

Exeunt Omnes Alumni/Community Committee:
Gail Levine, Ann Ross, Eric Vontillius
Liz Indianos, Karen Solomon, Judith K. Patterson
Margaret Miller, Wallace Wilson, Alexa Favata

Students: Kalup Linzy, Hector del Campo, Kate Spencer, Leslie Elsasser

Special Thanks to the CAM Staff:
Margaret Miller, Alexa Favata, Vincent Ahern
Peter Foe, Tony Palms, Don Fuller
David Waterman, Randall West, Steve Marcinowski
Mandy Kalajian, Devon Larsen, Jill Zevenbergen, Dave Stringfellow
James Rodger, Larry Mize, I Made Jodog, Nigel Phang, Cosme Herrera

Stage production for Exeunt Omnes designed and produced by FooDog Productions