29th Annual Juried
USF Student Exhibition
March 14 – March 26, 2005
USF Contemporary Art Museum

About the Juror: Robert Stackhouse
Robert Stackhouse, distinguished USF Alumnus, is internationally recognized for his sculptural installations, public art projects and prints. He was greatly influenced by both the Abstract Expressionist movement and the School of Minimalism of the 1950s and 1960s.
In his works, Stackhouse uses a variety of specific forms and shapes with both aesthetic and iconic qualities, including elements that resemble masts, snakes, ships’ hulls, A-frames and details of human anatomy. For Stackhouse, architecture is a variation on anatomy, as an A-frame’s roof beam is analogous to a backbone, or to an overturned ship. Observing the iconographic elements appear, vanish and reappear as Stackhouse’s art evolves, one gathers the fragments of a narrative about voyages, struggles, and transformations.
Robert Stackhouse, one of the first graduates at the University of South Florida in 1965, has exhibited in galleries and museums including: Morris Dollan/Maxwell, Philadelphia; Museum of Art, Augusta, Georgia; Delaware Museum of Art, Wilmington; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond; Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu and Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, DC. His work is represented in the collections of numerous museums throughout the United States, including the USF Contemporary Art Museum, where his prints are archived.
Museum Director’s Statement
The faculty of the School of Art and Art History and the Contemporary Art Museum are committed to organizing an annual student art exhibition as a critical component of the educational experience of the studio art student.
The Annual USF Juried Student Art Exhibition is an opportunity for students to have their artwork reviewed by an art professional from outside of the University and to see it displayed in a museum environment. The University and Tampa Bay community can view emerging talent nurtured by the faculty of the School of Art and Art History. Each spring, the juror — an artist, critic, or museum professional — selects the exhibition from the artworks submitted by undergraduate and graduate students, and designates the awards.
Over the past 29 years we have been fortunate to have our students’ artwork reviewed by many distinguished jurors, including: Marcia Tucker, Roberta Smith, The Guerilla Girls, The Art Guys, Jerry Saltz, Elyse Goldberg and last year, Allan McCollum. This year's juror is Robert Stackhouse, USF Distinguished Alumnus, internationally recognized for his sculpture, installations, paintings, prints and public art projects. He selected this show, representing diverse media and ideas, from over 150 entries.
I extend my appreciation and thanks to Robert for his careful evaluation of our students' ideas and their commitment to professionalism. Thanks to the Contemporary Art Museum staff, for once again organizing the student show: Alexa Favata, Victoria Billig, Don Fuller, Peter Foe, David Waterman, Randy West, Tony Palms and his staff — James Rodger, Hector del Campo and Cosme Herrera, along with student assistants Alex Constantino and Lloyd Brown. James Rodger is also recognized for coordinating the entries and assisting the juror, with interns Chris Grajales and Meg Baker. Lesley Brousseau made arrangements for the reception and related events. In addition, I thank the staff at Graphicstudio including: Kristin Soderqvist, Noel Smith, Izabel Galliera and Nicki Kruszka, for assisting with Robert Stackhouse’s lecture presentation.
Finally, I thank Robert Stackhouse for his willingness to give of his time and expertise to jury the student show. Bob continues to support the visual arts at USF and we are very fortunate to have such a distinguished graduate and exceptional artist in the Tampa Bay Area.
Each year, a group of loyal friends from the community along with the faculty and staff of the School of Art and Art History, and Graphicstudio, join the museum in sponsoring students by contributing monetary awards. We are very appreciative of this support, as it adds to the vitality and excitement of the exhibition. Please note the names of the generous contributors listed in this brochure.
Congratulations to all the artists in the exhibition and to the award recipients.
Margaret Miller
Director, Institute for Research in Art
Professor of Art
School Director's Statement
CONGRATULATIONS to the students included in the 29th Annual USF Student Art Exhibition. Your imagination, critical thinking and hard work reflect positively on all of us in the School of Art and Art History and the University. I know that your Faculty join me in sharing in this celebration.
To those students not included in the exhibit: take heart—your efforts are no less worthy than the exhibitors. Juried exhibitions, by their nature, reflect the values, ideas and vision of the juror. Another juror, another year—and surely other responses to your artworks. I urge you to maintain your commitment to art; it will be a source of fulfillment in your future.
Thanks to all of the Staff members of the Museum as well as the students who have worked on this exhibition. Also thanks to the Faculty, institutions and private citizens who have provided support and awards for our students and this exhibition. Your belief in our mission is gratifying.
A very special thanks to the juror this year, Robert Stackhouse, one of our most acclaimed alumni, who spent countless hours reviewing the submitted artworks, meeting with our students and providing an insightful lecture. Also, I want to extend sincere appreciation to Professors Elisabeth Fraser and Sheramy Bundrick—who read and judged the research papers in the Art History Competition.
I am always struck by how fortunate we all are to be so thoroughly engaged in the best of both worlds: learning and art. We welcome the community to our annual celebration. Enjoy!
Wallace Wilson
USF School of Art & Art History
Brochure and Invitation Design by Red Labor.
Artists & Awards
BAEDER, Daniel
Stairclimber, 2005.
Video installation
* James Rosenquist Materials Award $1,000
BAEDER, Daniel
The Drawer, 2005.
Video installation
BAKER, Amanda
Untitled, 2005.
Oil & acrylic on canvas
BINTZ, Samuel Arthur
Feudal Gift Cancer, 2004.
Mixed media
BLACKWELL, Stanley Deon
Contained Swimming Pool, 2005.
Mixed media performance
* IRA Award $200
Family, 2004.
Mixed media
BOOK, Mary-Laurel H. Pregon
Skipper with Fat Man, 2004.
* Frame By Frame Award $50
BOOK, Mary-Laurel H. Pregon
Skipper with Little Boy, 2004.
BOTTOMS, Christine A.
Ethnographic Vivisection, 2005.
C-Type print
* Ferman Motors, Inc. Photography Award $500
BUTLER, Robert (Robmat)
Untitled Lightwork, 2005.
Steel, LEDs, vellum
* David & Sara Scher Award $250
Louis Bourgeois, Louis Bourgeois, 2005.
Watercolor on paper
* Judy Patterson Graduate Award $100
November 23, 2004, 2005.
Soap, ink, plaster, paper
Untitled, 2004.
Digital print
DORSEY, Marie Yoho
30+ Views: Poetics in Form, 2005.
Mixed media
Collage 01, 2005.
Oil on canvas
9kurgggrll, 2005.
Clay, glaze, paint, wood
bvvrrghghghggk, 2005.
Clay, epoxy, glaze, paint
* Lee & Vic Leavengood Award $100
GOSS, Eric Christopher
Red, 2004–05.
Oil, acrylic
* Ann McKeel Ross Award $100
GRILEY, Victor
Kung-Fu Grip Series: #7, 2004.
GUILDER, Chou Chou Alexis Lean
I Shot the Sheriff, But I Didn’t Shoot the Deputy, 2005.
Oil on canvas
* Jeanne Winter Award $250
HOWALD, Joelle
Fishing for Gods, 2005.
Mixed media installation
KRAL, Vincent
Sacred and Profane, 2005.
Electronic media
KRAL, Vincent
Self-Esteem Mantra, 2004.
Mixed media
* Brian MacElhose Kick-Ass Award $150
The Dream of Red Mansion, 2004.
* The Beydoun Award $200
Toko in Her Bathing Suit, 2004.
Oil on canvas
* Norma Roth Painting Award $250
Mr. Mike in His Underwear, 2004.
Oil on canvas
PIKE, Nikki
Untitled, 2005.
Mixed media
RECORD, Anthony
A Good Egg, Part One, 2005.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
don’t leave me now | happiness, 2005.
Mixed media on canvas
SHAFER, Nathan
The Walt Disney Frieze, 2005.
Magic marker on paper
SHAFER, Nathan
Sitcom Memetics, 2004.
Drawing installation with canned audience
* Dali Museum Best of Show Award $1,000
SUSNEA, Sorina C.
Pool II, 2005.
Acrylic, wood, resin
* Richard Beckman Memorial Award $200, Sponsored by Environstudio
WATSON, Brandy
Untitled, 2005.
* Norma Roth Ceramics Award $250
Dressing Room Fight, 2005.
* Dr. Doodle Inc. Award $250
WOOLARD, L. Phillip II
Falling Grace, 2005.
Oil on wood
WOOLARD, L. Phillip II
Peulvan, 2005.
Oil on wood
* School of Art & Art History Faculty/Staff Award $300
Art History Papers
OLIVER, Elizabeth
Kant, Friedrich, and Humboldt: Metropolis Self-Fashioning
from the Periphery In Early Nineteenth-Century German Landscapes
* IRA Art History Award $100