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Black Pulp!

June 2 – July 20, 2017
USF Contemporary Art Museum
Lee & Victor Leavengood Gallery

Felandus Thames, I'm Neutral, 2010. Inkjet print, acrylic and rock salt on museum board.
Collection of Bernard I. Lumpkin and Carmine D. Boccuzzi. Photo: Will Lytch

Black Pulp! examines evolving perspectives of Black identity in American culture and history from 1912 to 2016 through rare historical printed media shown in dialogue with contemporary works of art. The exhibition highlights works by artists, graphic designers, writers, and publishers in formats ranging from little known comic books to covers for historic books and magazines, to etchings, digital prints, drawings, and media-based works by some of today’s leading artists. Black Pulp! is curated by William Villalongo and Mark Thomas Gibson. The exhibition tour is organized by International Print Center New York.

Black Pulp! and Woke! are supported in part by the USF Institute on Black Life.

Tampa Bay Times Review

Creative Loafing Tampa Review

Black Pulp! Zine | Black Pulp! and Woke! Press Release

Pope L., The Great White Way, 1990. Video, monitor and resin. Courtesy of the Artist and Mitchell-Innes & Nash, New York. Photo: Will Lytch

Clockwise from top-left: The Sun Ra Arkestra, The Nubians of Plutonia, released 1966.
Donna Summer, Bad Girls, released 1979.
Michael Jackson, Thriller, released 1982.
Kurtis Blow, The Breaks, released 1980.
Courtesy of International Print Center New York. Photo: Will Lytch

Left to right: Chester Himes Real Cool Killers, 1959.
Cotton Comes to Harlem movie poster, based on Chester Himes novel, directed by Ozzie Davis.
Chester Himes, For the Love of Imabelle, 1957.
Courtesy of Villalongo Studio LLC and IPCNY. Photo: Will Lytch

Display cases of historical materials.

Hank Willis Thomas, Something to Stand on: The Third Leg, 2007. MDF board with polyeurethane coating.
Courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York. Photo: Will Lytch.

Kerry James Marshall, Dailies from Rythm Mastr, 2010. Suite of nine silkscreens.
Courtesy of the artist and Jack Shainman Gallery, New York. Photo: Will Lytch.

Ouwa Own Wattamellun Jake advertisement, 1960s. Courtesy of Rose Library, Emory University. Photo: Will Lytch.