David Claerbout
August 21 – October 28, 2017
USF Contemporary Art Museum

David Claerbout installation view at USFCAM. Left: KING (after Alfred Wertheimer’s 1956 picture of a young man named Elvis Presley), 2015-2016. Right: Oil workers (from the Shell company of Nigeria) returning home from work, caught in torrential rain, 2013. Work © David Claerbout. Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly, New York. Photo: Don Fuller
Belgian artist David Claerbout (b. 1969, Kortrijk; lives in Antwerp and Berlin, Germany) has explored the conceptual framework of duration through use of film and digital photography throughout his career. His skilled manipulation of still and moving images appears to capture another dimension of existence, shifting between past and present. The element of sound is critical in many of his works, used as either a narrative device or a “guide” for the viewer to navigate the architectural space in the film. Claerbout’s oeuvre is characterized by a meticulous attention to production details, painstakingly created often over a period of years. The resultant works are immersive environments in which the viewer is invited to engage both philosophically and aesthetically. Curated by Margaret Miller; organized by USFCAM.
USF Oracle
David Claerbout Brochure | David Claerbout Press Release

David Claerbout installation view at USFCAM. Oil workers (from the Shell company of Nigeria) returning home from work, caught in torrential rain, 2013. Work © David Claerbout. Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly, New York. Photo: Will Lytch

David Claerbout installation view at USFCAM. KING (after Alfred Wertheimer’s 1956 picture of a young man named Elvis Presley), 2015-2016. Work © David Claerbout. Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly, New York. Photo: Will Lytch

David Claerbout installation view at USFCAM. Radio Piece (Hong Kong), 2015. Work © David Claerbout. Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly, New York. Photo: Will Lytch

David Claerbout installation view at USFCAM. Left to right: KING (Elvis at 21), 2015; KING (skin + carpet), 2015; KING Drawing (Nuclear King), 2015; KING (Elvis Lookalike), 2015. Works © David Claerbout. Courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly, New York. Photo: Will Lytch