Breaking BArriers: selected Work
December 12–13, 2018
USF Contemporary Art Museum

Photo by Deighton Saint-Cyr, from the Breaking Barriers veterans photopraphy workshop.
December 13, 2018, USFCAM
Breaking Barriers: Selected Work Reception
USF Contemporary Art Museum is pleased to present the exhibition Breaking Barriers: Selected Work as part of arts programming for military veterans. Breaking Barriers: Selected Work brings together the art of thirteen U.S. veterans and creates a visual platform that changes the culture of the “silent veteran” into that of a story teller and a witness, and which serves to amplify the veteran voice within a larger community. The twenty-six photographs focus on themes of portraiture and personal identity. They were created in an intensive photography workshop led by artist James Reiman, and represent a vast range of photographic experience–from beginners learning to use a camera, to professional photographers accomplished with film but starting fresh with digital technology. Artists in the exhibition are Amy Bagley, Deighton Saint-Cyr, James Alexander, Jayme Williams, John Enderton, Kayla Smart, Larry Busby, Mark Freeman, Mark Giddarie, Marty Kledzik, Matt Dawson, Michael Congdon, and Travis Pendergrass.
Breaking Barriers: Selected Work was a partnership with USF School of Art and Art History and is part of a statewide initiative of museums, Museums on Call, to develop and present arts based experiences for military veterans and their families. Museums on Call is supported, in part, by State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, National Endowment of the Arts and University of Florida’s Art in Medicine program.