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Pasted photograph by Fabio Bucciarelli for the New York Times and illustration by Jeremyville on Allen St, Manhattan, © Benjamin Petit. Courtesy of Dysturb.

Pasted photograph by Fabio Bucciarelli for the New York Times and illustration by Jeremyville on Allen St, Manhattan, © Benjamin Petit. Courtesy of Dysturb.

Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of Coronavirus

An Evolving Online Exhibition -
June 6 - December 12, 2020

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Life During Wartime is the USF Contemporary Art Museum’s first major virtual exhibition. It humbly engages a select company of international artists to respond to the overwhelming realities of the crisis that has gripped the planet since March 5, the date the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. The exhibition takes full advantage of one of the few outlets artists still have—the Internet—during a public health emergency recently exacerbated by the wanton murder of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis. It aims to mobilize sentiment, thought and activity around art and its enduring possibilities: its role as a conceptual catalyst, its ability to trigger ideas, stories, conversations, emotions, feelings and mental states. Separately and together, each artist contribution provides a picture of a planet in crisis, now further enraged and victimized by violence, but also images of hope and optimism in the face of a global emergency. The exhibition will continue to evolve with the addition of new artists and materials.

Participating Artists Include: Marcos Agudelo, Diana Al-Hadid, Atelier Van Lieshout, Alberto Borea, Sebastiaan Bremer, The Bruce High Quality Foundation, Seth Cameron, Samantha Casolari, Rebecca Chamberlain, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Jordi Colomer, Patricia Cronin, Godfried Donkor, Dysturb, Inka Essenhigh, Maureen Gallace, Zhao Gang, Rico Gatson, Mark Thomas Gibson, Patrick Hamilton, Ellen Harvey, Yishai Jusidman, Deborah Kass, Basil Kincaid, Glenda León, Matvey Levenstein, Kalup Linzy, Hew Locke, Cristina Lucas, Narsiso Martinez, Eva and Franco Mattes, Allan McCollum, Richard Mosse, Angel Otero, Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, Edison Peñafiel, Dagoberto Rodríguez, Anastasia Samoylova, Fernando Sánchez Castillo, Guy Richards Smit, Kiki Smith, Bosco Sodi, Tavares Strachan, SUPERFLEX, Sarah Sze, Jorge Tacla, Tony Tasset, Newsha Tavakolian, Janaina Tschäpe, Spencer Tunick, Rodrigo Valenzuela, William Villalongo, Kennedy Yanko, Lisa Yuskavage.

Curated by Christian Viveros-Fauné, and organized by USF Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa.



03/09/2021 - Gallery experiences go virtual at the USF Contemporary Art Museum - By Jessi Smith, 83degrees

08/14/2020 - Painter Angel Otero on Solitude and What It Means When You Can't Go Home - By Valentina Di Liscia - Hyperallergic Online Art Journal 

08/12/2020 - Check out USF Contemporary Art Museum's free virtual exhibit - By Ashley Yore - The Identity Tampa Bay

07/02/2020 - Tunick muestra a afrodescendientes antes del levantamiento en EU  - By Merry MacMasters - La Jornada Mexico City Daily Newspaper

06/30/2020 - ‘Pressure leads to unity’: celebrating art in the time of coronavirus - By Nadja Sayej - The Guardian 

06/29/2020 - Virtual Reality Art in the Age of Coronavirus - By Kurt Loft - Creative Pinellas

06/19/2020 - Exposición virtual  - By Alonso Castillo - Voice of America

06/13/2020 - ‘Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of Coronavirus’ online exhibition opens -

06/12/2020 - Art Diary: Life During Wartime - Apollo International Art Magazine

06/05/2020 - Art in the age of the coronavirus - WTSP, Tampa Bay 10  

06/05/2020 - USF Contemporary Art Museum debuts first virtual exhibition: 'Art in the Age of the Coronavirus'  - By Maggie Duffy - Tampa Bay Times 

06/02/2020 - HCC’s Gallery 221 and USFCAM bring Tampa’s college art galleries online  - By Jennifer Ring - Creative Loafing

06/02/2020 - USFCAM Presents "Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of the Coronavirus" Online Exhibition - USF News 

05/27/2020 - Life during Wartime; art in the age of the Coronavirus  - Staff Report -



A critical element of the Life During Wartime exhibition is an ongoing series of dialogues with the participating artists. Each event will be archived on this page, and additional artist talks and events will be announced during the run of the exhibition, as artist contributions are unveiled.


Richard Mosse Artist Conversation // Saturday, December 5, 2020

Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of Coronavirus participating artist Richard Mosse joined USFCAM Curator-at-large Christian Viveros-Faune to talk about Mosse’s newest project Double Blind, a herculean artwork that takes global warming as its subject and for which the artist traveled to the Amazon to examine both “sites and processes of environmental crimes through the prism of orthographic multispectral reflectance imaging.” The conversation took place inside the artist’s New York City studio and included the virtual presence of Mosse’s close collaborators filmmaker Trevor Tweeten and composer Ben Frost..


Lisa Yuskavage Artist Conversation // Friday, October 16, 2020

Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of Coronavirus participating artist Lisa Yuskavage joined USFCAM Curator-at-large Christian Viveros-Faune to talk about her current practice and work shown in the exhibition.


Seth Cameron + Madeilynann Mitchell Conversation // Friday, September 25, 2020

Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of Coronavirus participating artist Seth Cameron and Educator Cookie Mitchell talk about arts and education today.


Eva and Franco Mattes + Atelier Van Lieshout Conversation // Saturday, September 12, 2020

Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of Coronavirus participating artists Eva & Franco Mattes and Atelier Van Lieshout talk with USFCAM Curator-at-large Christian Viveros-Faune about their current practice and works shown in the exhibition.


Dysturb’s Benjamin Petit + Samantha Casolari Conversation // Friday, August 7, 2020

Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of Coronavirus participating artists Benjamin Petit from Dysturb and Samantha Casolari talk with USFCAM Curator-at-large Christian Viveros-Faune about their current practice and works shown in the exhibition.


Patricia Cronin + Kalup Linzy Conversation // Friday, July 17, 2020

Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of Coronavirus participating artists Patricia Cronin and Kalup Linzy talk with USFCAM Curator-at-large Christian Viveros-Faune about their current practice and works shown in the exhibition.


Mark Thomas Gibson + William Villalongo Conversation // Thursday, June 25, 2020

Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of Coronavirus participating artists Mark Thomas Gibson and William Villalongo talk with USFCAM Curator-at-large Christian Viveros-Faune about their current practice and works shown in the exhibition.


Jake Chapman Conversation // Saturday, June 20, 2020

Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of Coronavirus participating artist Jake Chapman talks with USFCAM Curator-at-large Christian Viveros-Faune about about he and his brother Dinos's new series titled The Disasters of Yoga II (2019-2020).


Online Opening + Conversation // Saturday, June 6, 2020

The opening celebration for Life During Wartime: Art in the Age of Coronavirus was held virtually via Zoom on June 6, 2020, from 1-3pm EDT. It featured a conversation led by curator Christian Viveros-Fauné that included participating artists Basil Kincaid, Cristina Lucas, Narsiso Martinez and Spencer Tunick, as well as a virtual walk-through of the exhibition and a public Q+A.



Made possible by Major Sponsor the Stanton Storer Embrace the Arts Foundation, and by a grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.